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As ProVision LLC, we built a strong reputation over the years, known for delivering solid consulting solutions to small and medium-sized businesses. Founded with the goal of providing clear, forward-thinking strategies, ProVision grew steadily from the time of its inception and as the company evolved, so has its vision.
By 2024, we realized that our services had expanded beyond our original scope. We were no longer just about offering solutions; we had become true partners in helping businesses navigate complex challenges, optimize processes, and achieve sustainable growth. It was about much more than providing a vision for the future—it was about creating clarity and actionable strategies for the present. The name ProVision no longer fully captured the essence of what the company had become. We began to talk about a new identity, one that reflected our deeper focus on collaboration, clear insights, and driving businesses toward real, measurable results.
With our new name, Cogency Consulting LLC continues its mission of helping businesses grow and thrive, offering a clearer path to success in an ever-changing marketplace. Our name may have changed, but our commitment to excellence remains stronger than ever.